5 Collages

By Daniel Lehan. Published on April 24, 2023.

Daniel read in our list of WORKS WE’RE INTO that Frankenstein was included.

He sent images from an artist book he made for the Frankenstein 2018 Book Art Exhibition which took place in Liverpool, celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley's novel. 

His book RINFANTENESK (an anagram of Frankenstein) contained 18 collages, each one taking the form of a letter.

The texts are made from words / phrases cut out from Frankenstein and photographs from Au Coeur De L'Antarctique, (Librairie Hachette Et Cie, 1911) a battered book he bought in Paris for 4 Euros, which documents Shackelton's Antarctic Expeditions.

Daniel Lehan studied Fine Art at Winchester School of Art, England, and later studied Art Therapy at Goldsmiths College, London. His work has been published in various print and online poetry Journals including 3:AM, Whiptail, Arteidolia, star82 review, The New Post-literate: A Gallery Of Asemic Writing, Otoliths, Ink Sweat and Tears, Ballast, M58, Neon, Word For/Word, foam:e, Indefinite Space, experiential-experimental-literature, Kumquat Poetry, the delinquent, and small po[r]tions. 


6 Collages


4 Digital Paintings