3 Poems
By Thomas Zimmerman. Published on April 4, 2023.
Richard’s Bones
Bones Under Parking Lot Belonged to Richard III
The New York Times, February 4, 2013
Discovery of Richard’s bones below
that Leicester parking lot has made me think
about my own: A tuneless violin
within a battered case? A stand of pines
on fire in Wyoming? Scabs of snow
along I-94 as night turns pink?
To kill a king as sacrificial sin—
to plump the ears of wheat, to feed the vines,
to purge the plague—necessitates a myth
that comforts us, that renders Bosworth Field
Elysian: we must rise from death. And with
these thoughts I read myself to dreams each night:
sleep’s darker sister might arrive, a slight
sting in her kiss, then all my ills die, healed.
Let’s Call It
The last day of the world, a time to count
mixed blessings. Guilt and resolutions mount.
A lone voice in an empty room. Most thought
is this. God, too, the way the elders taught.
No, wait. The room is not so empty: there,
in shadow, bare as doubt, a wooden chair.
The floor’s scrubbed clean, the window has no shade.
The muse is worried: “Where’s the mess you made?”
Raindrops meander down the pane, like streams
that feed the rivers, and the tears, of dreams.
Let’s call it “World’s-End Sonnet No. 1”:
the breeze has calmed, the rain is almost done.
Things pass . . . into the past . . . to disappear.
Memory reconstructs them, drags them here.
A pint of stout in front of me and Bruckner
in my ear. Today the sunshine broke
a string of seven days of ashen clouds.
Imagine inspiration, sense its old
confluence: energy, materials,
and time. Sublime symphonic slabs of sound.
And it’s a crossroads too: the witch
in me that dallies there casts shadow—
but the spells will come. And in my mind’s eye,
Trey and I—black dog, white man—are toiling
up a path that forks, a gleaming sunbeam
—no, a bolt of lightning—overhead.
Thomas Zimmerman (he/him) teaches English, directs the Writing Center, and edits The Big Windows Review https://thebigwindowsreview.com/ at Washtenaw Community College, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His poems have appeared recently in dadakuku, Sage Cigarettes, and The Unconventional Courier. His latest book is the poetry chapbook The House of Cerberus (Alien Buddha Press, 2022). Website: https:/thomaszimmerman.wordpress.com | Twitter: @bwr_tom | Instagram: tzman2012.