High School
By Jeffrey Thompson. Published on April 3, 2023.
I took driver’s ed.
from a man later proven
to be a criminal and liar.
The shortest distance
between two points
is a straight line
he joked as I watched
the rented Buick
drift and felt the wheel
pulled either direction
under my useless hands.
In the rear view mirror
I see a figure
waving, alone
on the center line.
It starts to rain.
I close my eyes and punch
the accelerator.
Jeffrey Thompson grew up in Fargo, North Dakota, before it became a watchword for cool. He was educated at the University of Iowa and Cornell Law School. He lives in Phoenix, which is very hot, where he practices public interest law. His work has appeared or will appear in journals including Passengers, North Dakota Quarterly, Main Street Rag, FERAL, Unbroken, On the Seawall, Tusculum Review, Burningword, ONE ART, Maudlin House, and Trampoline. His hobbies include reading, hiking, photography, listening to Leonard Cohen, and doom-scrolling the ruins of Twitter.